Let's avoid machine-pedestrian collisions on construction sites !

Homme accroupi devant un engin de chantier

The risk of machine-pedestrian collision is very significant in the construction industry, since there are between 10 and 20 serious or fatal accidents at work per year in France, resulting from the collision of a machine with a pedestrian on a construction site.

The STOP COLLISION project aims to focus the industry's efforts on solutions to eliminate the risk of crushing on construction sites, which is humanly unacceptable.

Automatic emergency braking is becoming more common in the automotive industry.

Construction actors want identical functionalities to be integrated into the machines used in the construction industry, in order to guarantee the safety of the women and men who circulate and work on foot on construction sites.

Construction companies, equipment rental companies, their professional unions and the OPPBTP have come together in this project.

Our initial work were :

  • To analyze accidentology
  • To do the inventory of manufacturers' progress
  • To identify user expectations
  • To determine the families of equipment and movements to stop in priority
  • To define the expectations of the profession
  • To lay the foundations for the architecture of collision avoidance systems integrated into machines
  • To clarify the responsibilities of the various actorsAnalyser l’accidentologie

The presentation of this work took place during the INTERMAT 2024 trade show.

10 construction equipment manufacturers took part in working meetings with project members on dedicated slots to discuss the expectations of the profession.

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